| CheckBoxList() |
 | LRESULT AddItem(const wchar_t* text, LPARAM data) |
 | LRESULT AddItem(const wstring& text, LPARAM data) |
 | bool DeleteColumn(int index) |
 | bool DeleteItem(int row) |
 | bool GetColumnFormat(int index, int& out_format) |
 | bool GetColumnText(int index, wchar_t* buffer, int buffer_length) |
 | bool GetColumnText(int index, wstring& out_text) |
 | bool GetColumnWidth(int index, int& out_width) |
 | bool GetItemData(int row, LPARAM& out_data) |
 | bool GetItemText(int row, int column, wstring& out_text) |
 | bool GetSelectedData(LPARAM& out_data) |
 | bool IsEnabled() |
 | bool IsItemChecked(int row) |
 | bool IsItemSelected(int row) |
 | bool IsVisible() |
 | bool SetColumnFormat(int index, int format) |
 | bool SetColumnText(int index, const wchar_t* text) |
 | bool SetColumnText(int index, const wstring& text) |
 | bool SetColumnWidth(int index, int width) |
 | bool SetItemData(int row, const LPARAM data) |
 | bool SetItemText(int row, int column, const wchar_t* text) |
 | bool SetItemText(int row, int column, const wstring& text) |
 | bool SetSelectedByData(LPARAM data) |
 | bool SetSelectedIndex(int row) |
 | bool SetSelection(int row, bool selected) Selects or un-select the specified item (Indexes start at 0. Use row =-1 to affect all rows)
 | int GetColumnCount() |
 | int GetItemCount() |
 | int GetItemText(int row, int column, wchar_t* buffer, int buffer_length) It returns the number of characters
 | int GetNextSelectedIndex(int row) The first time the function is called, row must -1. The next calls row must be set to the value returned on the previous function call. The function is called until it returns -1
 | int GetSelectedCount() |
 | int GetSelectedIndex() |
 | void AddColumn(int format, int width, const wchar_t* text) format: LVCFMT_LEFT, LVCFMT_CENTER, LVCFMT_RIGHT
 | void AddColumn(int format, int width, const wstring& text) format: LVCFMT_LEFT, LVCFMT_CENTER, LVCFMT_RIGHT
 | void Delete() |
 | void DeleteAllColumns() |
 | void DeleteAllItems() |
 | void Enumerate(wchar_t* * data, int colCount, int rowIndex) |
 | void GetHtml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void GetXml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void LoadState(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void OnNavigateAway(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void SetEnabled(bool enabled) |
 | void SetItemChecked(int row, bool checked) |
 | void SetText(const wstring& text) |
 | void SetVisible(bool visible) |
 | wstring& GetText() |
 | ~ CheckBoxList() |
 | Css(void) |
 | Web::CssType::BorderStyle GetBorderStyle() |
 | Web::CssType::Cursor GetCursor() |
 | Web::CssType::Display GetDisplay() |
 | Web::CssType::FontFamily GetFontFamily() |
 | Web::CssType::FontWeight GetFontWeight() |
 | Web::CssType::OverflowX GetOverflowX() |
 | Web::CssType::OverflowY GetOverflowY() |
 | Web::CssType::Position GetPosition() |
 | Web::CssType::TextAlign GetTextAlign() |
 | Web::CssType::TextDecoration GetTextDecoration() |
 | Web::CssType::VerticalAlign GetVerticalAlign() |
 | Web::CssType::Visibility GetVisibility() |
 | virtual ~ Css(void) |
 | void GetHtml(Sys::ITextWriterW& out_html) |
 | void GetXml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector, Web::Css& cssInitial, bool visibilityOnly) |
 | void LoadState(bool visibilityOnly, list<Sys::Xml >::const_iterator control) |
 | void SetBorderStyle(Web::CssType::BorderStyle border_style) |
 | void SetCursor(Web::CssType::Cursor cursor) |
 | void SetDisplay(Web::CssType::Display display) |
 | void SetFontFamily(Web::CssType::FontFamily font) |
 | void SetFontWeight(Web::CssType::FontWeight font_weight) |
 | void SetOverflowX(Web::CssType::OverflowX overflowX) |
 | void SetOverflowY(Web::CssType::OverflowY overflowY) |
 | void SetPosition(Web::CssType::Position position) |
 | void SetTextAlign(Web::CssType::TextAlign text_align) |
 | void SetTextDecoration(Web::CssType::TextDecoration text_decoration) |
 | void SetVerticalAlign(Web::CssType::VerticalAlign vertical_align) |
 | void SetVisibility(Web::CssType::Visibility visibility) |
 | DateTimeBox() |
 | Sys::SqlTime& SqlGetTime() |
 | Sys::Time GetSelectedDateTime() |
 | Sys::Time& SqlGetSysTime() |
 | bool GetCurrentSelection(int& month, int& day, int& year) |
 | bool IsEnabled() |
 | bool IsVisible() |
 | bool SetCurrentSelection(int month, int day, int year) |
 | bool SetSelectedDateTime(Sys::Time& systime) |
 | virtual void GetHtml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void CreateDaysName(const string& daysText, vector<string >& out_days) |
 | void CreateMonthsName(const string& monthsText, vector<string >& out_month) |
 | void GetCalendarWindowHtml(const wstring& destinationDateTimeBoxID, const wstring& monthsText, const wstring& daysText, string& out_html) |
 | void GetXml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void LoadState(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void OnNavigateAway(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void SetCurrentSelection(const wchar_t* text) |
 | void SetCurrentSelection(const wstring& text) |
 | void SetDaysText(const wstring daysText) |
 | void SetEnabled(bool enabled) |
 | void SetMonthsText(const wstring monthsText) |
 | void SetText(const wstring& text) |
 | void SetVisible(bool visible) |
 | void SqlUpdate(bool toGui) |
 | wstring GetDaysText() |
 | wstring GetMonthsText() |
 | wstring& GetText() |
 | ~ DateTimeBox() |
 | DateView() |
 | Sys::SqlTime& SqlGetTime() |
 | Sys::Time GetSelectedDateTime() |
 | Sys::Time& SqlGetSysTime() |
 | bool GetCurrentSelection(int& month, int& day, int& year) |
 | bool IsEnabled() |
 | bool IsVisible() |
 | bool SetCurrentSelection(int month, int day, int year) |
 | bool SetSelectedDateTime(Sys::Time& systime) |
 | void GetHtml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void SetCurrentSelection(const wchar_t* text) |
 | void SetCurrentSelection(const wstring& text) |
 | void SetEnabled(bool enabled) |
 | void SetText(const wstring& text) |
 | void SetVisible(bool visible) |
 | void SqlUpdate(bool toGui) |
 | wstring& GetText() |
 | ~ DateView() |
 | DropDownList() |
 | LPARAM& SqlGetInt() |
 | bool IsEnabled() |
 | bool IsVisible() |
 | bool SetSelected(const wchar_t* text) |
 | bool SetSelectedByTextData(const wstring& data) |
 | virtual LPARAM GetItemData(int index) It returns CB_ERR on error
 | virtual bool DeleteItem(int index) |
 | virtual bool GetItemText(int index, wchar_t* buffer, int buffer_length) |
 | virtual bool GetItemText(int index, wstring& out_text) |
 | virtual bool GetSelectedData(LPARAM& out_data) |
 | virtual bool SetItemData(int index, const LPARAM data) |
 | virtual bool SetSelectedByData(LPARAM data) |
 | virtual bool SetSelectedIndex(int index) |
 | virtual int GetItemCount() |
 | virtual int GetSelectedIndex() |
 | virtual void AddItem(const wchar_t* text, LPARAM data) |
 | virtual void AddItem(const wstring& text, LPARAM data) |
 | virtual void DeleteAllItems() |
 | void Enumerate(wchar_t* * data, int colCount, int rowIndex) |
 | void GetHtml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void GetXml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void LoadState(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void OnNavigateAway(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void SetEnabled(bool enabled) |
 | void SetText(const wstring& text) |
 | void SetVisible(bool visible) |
 | void SqlUpdate(bool toGui) |
 | wstring GetSelectedTextData() |
 | wstring& GetText() |
 | ~ DropDownList() |
 | static Web::CssType::BorderStyle GetBorderStyleType(const wchar_t* text) |
 | static Web::CssType::Cursor GetCursorType(const wchar_t* text) |
 | static Web::CssType::Cursor ReadCursorValue(const wchar_t* text) static Web::CssType::BorderStyle ReadBorderStyleValue(const wchar_t* text); static Web::CssType::Display ReadDisplayValue(const wchar_t* text);
 | static Web::CssType::Display GetDisplayType(const wchar_t* text) |
 | static Web::CssType::FontFamily GetFontFamilyType(const wchar_t* text) |
 | static Web::CssType::FontWeight GetFontWeightType(const wchar_t* text) |
 | static Web::CssType::OverflowX GetOverflowXType(const wchar_t* text) |
 | static Web::CssType::OverflowY GetOverflowYType(const wchar_t* text) |
 | static Web::CssType::Position GetPositionType(const wchar_t* text) |
 | static Web::CssType::TextAlign GetTextAlignType(const wchar_t* text) |
 | static Web::CssType::TextDecoration GetTextDecorationType(const wchar_t* text) |
 | static Web::CssType::VerticalAlign GetVerticalAlignType(const wchar_t* text) |
 | static Web::CssType::Visibility GetVisibilityType(const wchar_t* text) |
 | static Web::CssType::Visibility ReadVisibilityValue(const wchar_t* text) static Web::CssType::Position ReadPositionValue(const wchar_t* text); static Web::CssType::FontFamily ReadFontFamilyValue(const wchar_t* text); static Web::CssType::TextAlign ReadTextAlignValue(const wchar_t* text); static Web::CssType::VerticalAlign ReadVerticalAlignValue(const wchar_t* text); static Web::CssType::TextDecoration ReadTextDecorationValue(const wchar_t* text);
 | static bool RequiresClosingTag(int type) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetBorderStyleDescr(Web::CssType::BorderStyle border_style) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetBorderStyleEnum(Web::CssType::BorderStyle border_style) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetBorderStyleValue(Web::CssType::BorderStyle border_style) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetControlCaption(int type_id) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetControlClass(int type_id) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetControlDescr(int type_id) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetCursorDescr(Web::CssType::Cursor cursor) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetCursorEnum(Web::CssType::Cursor cursor) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetCursorValue(Web::CssType::Cursor cursor) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetDisplayDescr(Web::CssType::Display display) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetDisplayEnum(Web::CssType::Display display) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetDisplayValue(Web::CssType::Display display) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetFontFamilyDescr(Web::CssType::FontFamily font_family) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetFontFamilyEnum(Web::CssType::FontFamily font_family) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetFontFamilyValue(Web::CssType::FontFamily font_family) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetFontWeightEnum(Web::CssType::FontWeight font_weight) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetFontWeightValue(Web::CssType::FontWeight font_weight) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetNodeTypeText(int type) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetOverflowXEnum(Web::CssType::OverflowX overflowX) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetOverflowXValue(Web::CssType::OverflowX overflowX) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetOverflowYEnum(Web::CssType::OverflowY overflowY) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetOverflowYValue(Web::CssType::OverflowY overflowY) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetPositionDescr(Web::CssType::Position position) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetPositionEnum(Web::CssType::Position position) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetPositionValue(Web::CssType::Position position) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetTag(int type) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetTagDesc(int type) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetTagName(int type) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetTextAlignDescr(Web::CssType::TextAlign text_align) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetTextAlignEnum(Web::CssType::TextAlign text_align) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetTextAlignValue(Web::CssType::TextAlign text_align) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetTextDecorationDescr(Web::CssType::TextDecoration text_decoration) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetTextDecorationEnum(Web::CssType::TextDecoration text_decoration) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetTextDecorationValue(Web::CssType::TextDecoration text_decoration) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetVerticalAlignDescr(Web::CssType::VerticalAlign vertical_align) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetVerticalAlignEnum(Web::CssType::VerticalAlign vertical_align) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetVerticalAlignValue(Web::CssType::VerticalAlign vertical_align) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetVisibilityDescr(Web::CssType::Visibility visibility) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetVisibilityEnum(Web::CssType::Visibility visibility) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetVisibilityValue(Web::CssType::Visibility visibility) |
 | ~ Helper() |
 | HiddenValue() |
 | Web::HiddenValue& operator =(const bool data) |
 | Web::HiddenValue& operator =(const double data) |
 | Web::HiddenValue& operator =(const int data) |
 | Web::HiddenValue& operator =(const wchar_t* data) |
 | Web::HiddenValue& operator =(const wstring& data) |
 | bool GetBoolData() |
 | double GetDoubleData() |
 | int GetIntData() |
 | operator bool const() |
 | operator const wchar_t* const() |
 | operator double const() |
 | operator int const() |
 | operator wchar_t* const() |
 | operator wstring const() |
 | void GetHtml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void GetXml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void LoadState(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void OnNavigateAway(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void SetBoolData(bool value) |
 | void SetDoubleData(double value) |
 | void SetIntData(int value) |
 | void SetTextData(const wstring& value) |
 | wstring& GetTextData() |
 | ~ HiddenValue() |
 | bool CheckEvent(const wstring& ID, int notification) |
 | bool GetAjaxControlIterator(const wchar_t* ID, list<Sys::Xml >::const_iterator& control)const If found, it returns an iterator to the Control node
 | bool GetClientIP_Address(wstring& out_clientIP) |
 | bool GetServerVariable(const char* variableName, char* buffer, DWORD bufferLen) |
 | bool GetServerVariable(const char* variableName, string& out_value) |
 | bool GetServerVariable(const char* variableName, wstring& out_value) |
 | bool GetServerVariable(const wchar_t* variableName, wstring& out_value) |
 | bool GetServerVariable(const wstring& variableName, wstring& out_value) |
 | bool GetVariable(const wchar_t* variableName, bool & out_variableValue) |
 | bool GetVariable(const wchar_t* variableName, double& out_variableValue) |
 | bool GetVariable(const wchar_t* variableName, int& out_variableValue) |
 | bool GetVariable(const wchar_t* variableName, wstring& out_variableValue) |
 | bool GetVariable(const wstring& variableName, bool & out_variableValue) |
 | bool GetVariable(const wstring& variableName, double& out_variableValue) |
 | bool GetVariable(const wstring& variableName, int& out_variableValue) |
 | bool GetVariable(const wstring& variableName, wstring& out_variableValue) |
 | bool HasRequestBeenHandled() |
 | bool IsAjax() |
 | bool IsFirstTime() |
 | bool SetVariable(const wchar_t* variableName, const wchar_t* variableValue) |
 | bool WriteText(const wstring& source) |
 | const wchar_t* GetWindow_ID() |
 | int GetExplorerID() |
 | static const char* GetContentTypeDescription(int content_type) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetServerVariableName(int index) It returns the name of the Server variable Call this function several times using index= 0, 1, 2, 3, ... until you get a nullptr value returned
 | static void ReadVariables(const char* data, DWORD data_len, multimap<wstring, wstring >& out_value) |
 | void AddVariable(const wchar_t* variableName, const wchar_t* variableValue) |
 | void NavigateTo(const wchar_t* windowID) it sets the variable windowID to the requested value displaying the Web Page with the specified windowID
 | void SetRequestEvent() |
 | ~ HttpConnector() |
 | JavascriptEvent() |
 | bool Get_onblur() |
 | bool Get_onchange() |
 | bool Get_onclick() |
 | bool Get_oncontextmenu() |
 | bool Get_ondblclick() |
 | bool Get_ondrag() |
 | bool Get_ondragend() |
 | bool Get_ondragenter() |
 | bool Get_ondragleave() |
 | bool Get_ondragover() |
 | bool Get_ondragstart() |
 | bool Get_ondrop() |
 | bool Get_onerror() |
 | bool Get_onfocus() |
 | bool Get_oninput() |
 | bool Get_oninvalid() |
 | bool Get_onkeydown() |
 | bool Get_onkeypress() |
 | bool Get_onkeyup() |
 | bool Get_onload() |
 | bool Get_onmousedown() |
 | bool Get_onmousemove() |
 | bool Get_onmouseout() |
 | bool Get_onmouseover() |
 | bool Get_onmouseup() |
 | bool Get_onmousewheel() |
 | bool Get_onscroll() |
 | bool Get_onselect() |
 | static const wchar_t* GetHelp(int index) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetID(int index) |
 | void Render(const wchar_t* ctrlID, Sys::ITextWriterW& out_html, const wchar_t* url) |
 | void Set_onblur(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onchange(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onclick(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_oncontextmenu(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_ondblclick(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_ondrag(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_ondragend(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_ondragenter(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_ondragleave(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_ondragover(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_ondragstart(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_ondrop(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onerror(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onfocus(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_oninput(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_oninvalid(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onkeydown(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onkeypress(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onkeyup(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onload(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onmousedown(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onmousemove(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onmouseout(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onmouseover(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onmouseup(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onmousewheel(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onscroll(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onselect(bool fireEvent) |
 | ~ JavascriptEvent() |
 | JavascriptMediaEvent() |
 | bool Get_onabort() |
 | bool Get_oncanplay() |
 | bool Get_oncanplaythrough() |
 | bool Get_ondurationchange() |
 | bool Get_onemptied() |
 | bool Get_onended() |
 | bool Get_onerror() |
 | bool Get_onloadeddata() |
 | bool Get_onloadedmetadata() |
 | bool Get_onloadstart() |
 | bool Get_onpause() |
 | bool Get_onplay() |
 | bool Get_onplaying() |
 | bool Get_onprogress() |
 | bool Get_onratechange() |
 | bool Get_onreadystatechange() |
 | bool Get_onseeked() |
 | bool Get_onseeking() |
 | bool Get_onstalled() |
 | bool Get_onsuspend() |
 | bool Get_ontimeupdate() |
 | bool Get_onvolumechange() |
 | bool Get_onwaiting() |
 | static const wchar_t* GetHelp(int index) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetID(int index) |
 | void Render(const wchar_t* ctrlID, Sys::ITextWriterW& out_html, const wchar_t* url) |
 | void Set_onabort(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_oncanplay(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_oncanplaythrough(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_ondurationchange(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onemptied(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onended(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onerror(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onloadeddata(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onloadedmetadata(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onloadstart(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onpause(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onplay(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onplaying(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onprogress(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onratechange(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onreadystatechange(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onseeked(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onseeking(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onstalled(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onsuspend(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_ontimeupdate(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onvolumechange(bool fireEvent) |
 | void Set_onwaiting(bool fireEvent) |
 | ~ JavascriptMediaEvent() |
 | LPARAM GetItemData(int index) It returns CB_ERR on error
 | LPARAM& SqlGetInt() |
 | ListBox() |
 | bool DeleteItem(int index) |
 | bool GetItemText(int index, wchar_t* buffer, int buffer_length) |
 | bool GetItemText(int index, wstring& out_text) |
 | bool GetMultipleSelection() |
 | bool GetSelectedData(LPARAM& out_data) |
 | bool IsEnabled() |
 | bool IsItemSelected(int index) |
 | bool IsVisible() |
 | bool SetItemData(int index, const LPARAM data) |
 | bool SetSelectedByData(LPARAM data) |
 | bool SetSelectedIndex(int index) |
 | bool SetSelection(int index, bool selected) If index is -1, it will affect all items
 | int GetHeight() |
 | int GetItemCount() |
 | int GetSelectedIndex() |
 | void AddItem(const wchar_t* text, LPARAM data) |
 | void AddItem(const wstring& text, LPARAM data) |
 | void DeleteAllItems() |
 | void Enumerate(wchar_t* * data, int colCount, int rowIndex) |
 | void SetEnabled(bool enabled) |
 | void SetHeight(int height) |
 | void SetMultipleSelection(bool multipleSelection) |
 | void SetText(const wstring& text) |
 | void SetVisible(bool visible) |
 | void SqlUpdate(bool toGui) |
 | wstring& GetText() |
 | ~ ListBox() |
 | LRESULT AddItem(const wchar_t* text, LPARAM data) |
 | LRESULT AddItem(const wstring& text, LPARAM data) |
 | ListView() |
 | bool DeleteColumn(int index) |
 | bool DeleteItem(int row) |
 | bool GetColumnFormat(int index, int& out_format) |
 | bool GetColumnText(int index, wchar_t* buffer, int buffer_length) |
 | bool GetColumnText(int index, wstring& out_text) |
 | bool GetColumnWidth(int index, int& out_width) |
 | bool GetItemData(int row, LPARAM& out_data) |
 | bool GetItemText(int row, int column, wstring& out_text) |
 | bool GetSelectedData(LPARAM& out_data) |
 | bool IsEnabled() |
 | bool IsItemChecked(int row) Not implemented
 | bool IsItemSelected(int row) |
 | bool IsVisible() |
 | bool SetColumnFormat(int index, int format) |
 | bool SetColumnText(int index, const wchar_t* text) |
 | bool SetColumnText(int index, const wstring& text) |
 | bool SetColumnWidth(int index, int width) |
 | bool SetItemData(int row, const LPARAM data) |
 | bool SetItemText(int row, int column, const wchar_t* text) |
 | bool SetItemText(int row, int column, const wstring& text) |
 | bool SetSelected(const wchar_t* text) |
 | bool SetSelectedByData(LPARAM data) |
 | bool SetSelectedByTextData(const wstring data) |
 | bool SetSelectedIndex(int row) |
 | bool SetSelection(int row, bool selected) Selects or un-select the specified item (Indexes start at 0. Use row =-1 to affect all rows)
 | int GetColumnCount() |
 | int GetItemCount() |
 | int GetItemText(int row, int column, wchar_t* buffer, int buffer_length) It returns the number of characters
 | int GetNextSelectedIndex(int row) The first time the function is called, row must -1. The next calls row must be set to the value returned on the previous function call. The function is called until it returns -1
 | int GetSelectedCount() |
 | int GetSelectedIndex() |
 | void AddColumn(int format, int width, const wchar_t* text) format: LVCFMT_LEFT, LVCFMT_CENTER, LVCFMT_RIGHT
 | void AddColumn(int format, int width, const wstring& text) format: LVCFMT_LEFT, LVCFMT_CENTER, LVCFMT_RIGHT
 | void Delete() |
 | void DeleteAllColumns() |
 | void DeleteAllItems() |
 | void Enumerate(wchar_t* * data, int colCount, int rowIndex) |
 | void GetHtml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void GetXml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void LoadState(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void OnNavigateAway(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void SetEnabled(bool enabled) |
 | void SetItemChecked(int row, bool checked) Not implemented
 | void SetText(const wstring& text) |
 | void SetVisible(bool visible) |
 | wstring GetSelectedTextData() |
 | wstring& GetText() |
 | ~ ListView() |
 | ListViewColCollection(void) |
 | Web::ListViewColumn& operator [ ](long index) |
 | bool Add(int format, int width, const wchar_t* text) format: LVCFMT_LEFT, LVCFMT_CENTER, LVCFMT_RIGHT
 | bool Add(int format, int width, wstring& text) |
 | bool Delete(int index) |
 | int GetCount() |
 | int GetTotalWidth() |
 | virtual ~ ListViewColCollection(void) |
 | void DeleteAll(void) |
 | void GetHtml(int fontSize, int width, const wstring& ID, Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void GetXml(const wstring& ID, Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void LoadState(bool ajax, const wstring& ID, Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void RenderColumn(const wstring& text, vector<Web::ListViewColumn >::iterator& col, const wchar_t* space, wstring& truncated, Sys::ITextWriterW& out_html) |
 | HWND GetHWND() |
 | Page(void) |
 | int MessageBox(const wchar_t* text, const wchar_t* caption, UINT iconType) iconType: MB_ICONWARNING MB_ICONERROR, MB_ICONINFORMATION
 | int MessageBox(const wstring& text, const wstring& caption, UINT iconType) iconType: MB_ICONWARNING MB_ICONERROR, MB_ICONINFORMATION
 | virtual void EventHandler(Web::HttpConnector& h) |
 | virtual void InitializeGui() |
 | virtual void Window_Open(Web::HttpConnector& h) |
 | virtual ~ Page(void) |
 | void AddChild(Web::Object& object) |
 | void EndDialog(int result) |
 | void GetHtml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void GetPostHtml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void GetPreHtml(Sys::ITextWriterW& out_html, bool isBrowserView) |
 | void GetWebServiceXml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void GetXml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void HeadItem(wstring& variable, const wchar_t* tagini, const wchar_t* tagend, Sys::ITextWriterW& out_html) |
 | void LoadState(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void OnNavigateAway(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void Run(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | Service(void) |
 | bool GetBoolParameter(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector, const wchar_t* name) |
 | bool GetBoolParameter(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector, const wstring& name) |
 | bool GetStringParameter(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector, const wchar_t* name, wstring& out_value) |
 | bool GetStringParameter(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector, const wstring& name, wstring& out_value) |
 | double GetDoubleParameter(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector, const wchar_t* name) |
 | double GetDoubleParameter(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector, const wstring& name) |
 | int GetIntParameter(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector, const wchar_t* name) |
 | int GetIntParameter(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector, const wstring& name) |
 | virtual ~ Service(void) |
 | void GetHtml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void GetXml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void LoadState(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void OnNavigateAway(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | wstring GetStringParameter(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector, const wchar_t* name) |
 | wstring GetStringParameter(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector, const wstring& name) |
 | Textbox() |
 | bool IsEnabled() |
 | bool IsMultiline() |
 | bool IsPassword() |
 | bool IsReadOnly() |
 | bool IsVisible() |
 | double GetDoubleValue() |
 | int GetIntValue(void) |
 | int GetMaxTextLength() |
 | void GetHtml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void GetXml(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void HideBalloonTip() |
 | void LoadState(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void OnNavigateAway(Web::HttpConnector& httpConnector) |
 | void SetDoubleValue(double value) |
 | void SetDoubleValue(double value, const wchar_t* format) |
 | void SetEnabled(bool enabled) |
 | void SetIntValue(int value) |
 | void SetMaxTextLength(int maxTextLength) |
 | void SetMultiline(bool isMultiline) |
 | void SetPassword(bool isPassword) |
 | void SetReadOnly(bool readOnly) |
 | void SetText(const wstring& text) |
 | void SetVisible(bool visible) |
 | void ShowBalloonTip(const wchar_t* caption, const wchar_t* text, int icon) icon: TTI_INFO, TTI_WARNING, TTI_ERROR
 | void ShowBalloonTip(const wstring& caption, const wstring& text, int icon) icon: TTI_INFO, TTI_WARNING, TTI_ERROR
 | void SqlUpdate(bool toGui) |
 | wstring& GetText() |
 | wstring& SqlGetString() |
 | ~ Textbox() |